Wednesday, July 25, 2007

Viral Hepatitis

By John Douillard, DC, PhD

Viral hepatitis is an inflammation of the liver as a result of a viral infection. This is more common with a pitta body type or one with a severe pitta imbalance in the ranjaka subdosha. This disorder because it is an inflammatory disease in the seat of pitta, it is almost always a pitta concern. When the liver becomes depleted enough to become infected then specific therapies must be directed at the liver itself.

There can very often be underlying causative factors from the apana vata in the intestinal tract that must be dealt with to take the stress of the liver. The enteric cycle will direct the impure blood ama from the intestines into the portal system and shunt it directly to the liver. If this kind of bio-chemical stress is long standing then the liver prana can be depleted making for the susceptibility of a viral type hepatitis.

Contributing factors like excessive stress, hot, spicy, salty, or sour foods, and alcohol over an extended period of time can weaken the liver making it susceptible.

Turmeric - studies show it very beneficial in viral hepatitis (I can send references if you need them) 1/2 tsp. 5x/day . Mahasudarshan and gudduchi (1/2 tsp. 3x/day) Avoid any oily and greasy foods and decrease the amount of red meat. Neem tea 5x/ day

Further Information

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